Starry Sky ep.3

Here’s a random hottie, because we deserve it ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s been a long time since I was blushing in an anime. But Tsubasa Amaha made me ๐Ÿ™‚
Well, luckly in episode 3, (except Tsukiko) there a lot of new characters and a new story line.

He is maybe little dense, but it doesn’t matter.I made up my mind, since today, in every month I’ll pick up a hottie, and he we’ll Mr. Month. And in the end of the year, there will be only one, who’ll be Mr. 2011.

Well, Mr. January is Tsubasa Amaha! Tell me, who’ll be Mr. February?

Tsubasa Amaha

I'm dreaming of a ...


Anime — Fail

Well, sometimes it just happens … you can’t predict. I’m pretty sure, I’m not the only one.
There was and there will be — bad anime.

I’ve just watched Rio Rainbow Gate and I’ve wasted 24 min in my life. Well, it’s not to much but … there is always something else to do. So, it’s just a tiny warning ๐Ÿ™‚ I must admit the graphics is nice, but the story, ย  oh come on it’s such a clisรฉ.
But if you love big boobs and panties it’s your anime ๐Ÿ™‚ By the way I love Rio, Rio de Janeiro!

Rio Rainbow Gate Episode 1

StarrySky is on the black list as well, but I’ll continue this series. Well, here we’ve a slow start, but I hope it’ll turn into something good.
Still, the characters are cute or handsome, nice graphics.

see?? that's what i am talking about ๐Ÿ™‚

Look at me, Sandra Dee ๐Ÿ™‚


Starry Sky ep.01

I lost my purse, that’s why I missed the train… So I’ve time for another things. I hope I get to the next one.

Sooo, the winter season has just started. The first anime (for me) is Starry Sky which based on a game.
Genres: romance, slice of life
Themes: bishounen, male harem, school

I’ve just seen the first episode and I think I like it ๐Ÿ™‚ Nothing extrem happens in episode 1, only –> one of the male hero(Tomoe Yoh) transfer a high-school, where his lovers(?) Tsukiko is currently a student.
The pictures are beautiful in this anime. And as for me it’s new situation, I mean the male hero loves the heroin. Most of the times the heroin loves a hero or two.


Tomoe Yoh's parents

well not my type, but still OK

rivals? well the left one is ..... ๐Ÿ™‚

the cute Tsukiko

What do you think?